感谢网友的分享,同时也感谢词典作者 onlyXXenglish 。非常感谢!
之前贴错简介了,感谢网友指出。我这次贴OUP 的简介,看谁还说不对。。
摘录 OUP 的评价,原文链接在此:https://elt.oup.com/catalogue/items/global/grammar_vocabulary/practical_english_usage_4th_edition/9780194202435?cc=global&selLanguage=en
Practical English Usage is recommended for any teacher, trainee teacher, or advanced-level student looking for answers to questions about the English language. The material is now organised in two parts (grammar and vocabulary), making it easier than ever to find the answers, either online or in print.
Part 1 is a complete practical learner’s grammar with 28 sections, covering all the structural points that cause problems for learners.
Part 2 is a guide to vocabulary problems covering:
- rules for word formation and spelling
- a survey of high-priority vocabulary areas
- an A-Z guide to over 250 common word problems
The 600+ entries provide answers to the questions that learners typically ask, for example:
- use of tenses
- the truth about conditionals
- article problems
- singular they
- getas a passive auxiliary
- bring or take?
- can, could, may or might?
- classic or classical?
- the language of emails
- rules for word formation and spelling
- the grammar of speech and formal writing
- British-American differences
- questions of style and idiom
- changes in English
- politeness
- avoiding offensive language
- a survey of high-priority vocabulary areas
- a guide to over 250 common vocabulary problems
- lists of learners’ most common mistakes
厉害了 又是首发词典
@匿名 这个不是首发 有人早就有了 只是现在这才有人分享。 感谢词典作者哦
@取进止 这个网上能搜到,4000余条。
@匿名 我只有实体书,不知道你说的能搜到是能搜到什么?就实体书而言,好像并不只4000条。
@hua hua大站长 请问这本有出处吗 pdawiki上找不到第四版的相关贴子 因为词典信息里写2017年11月优化的 这个时间点国内外网络上好像还没有人传播分享pdf 所以我怀疑是第三版的优化版 第四版最早流传应该是2019或2018年末 我当时下了pdf 发现里边有缺失几页
@匿名 这个数据不是 来自 PDF 的