@取进止 can you please upload the mdd file on Google Drive from the Device you’re using the dictionary…? I think the mdd file is corrupt on Baidu Cloud… :(
@hua thank you very much… this version is good, the interface is nice, but tabs “English”, “American” “Business” etc. are not working on MDict (Android and PC)
@取进止 我也在想 其实文件夹里面有ttf文件 不知道为啥没生效
@hua 目前为止美国传统只见过一个版本可以正常显示所有字符,并且还有完整的附录,不知道他是如何做到的,我因此一直用的这个版本,是第四版。
@取进止 这版确实是音标有问题,请问你这个版本在哪里下载?
@wesley 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1X8c0c4ihl753wtfLN7fwLA
@取进止 耿直,,
@hua 站长你去帮上面那个外国人传吧,我觉得应该是CSS和js版本不对,但是我自己用的剑桥在线把mdd删除了,因此我没有配套的文件了。(=゚㉨゚=) ▄︻┻┳━ ·.
.`.@取进止 俺拖百度云的speedpan失效了 等我慢慢下
@取进止 链接挂了,能再发一次吗?
@OJBK 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1lWnBYhBnKg4g3-gvdsaTGg
提取码: axaa
@hua 有 TTF 文件但是电脑不会自动安装加载,点开它安装上就能正常显示了,手机的话不支持 TTF 就没办法了
@Lexiao 哦 我懂了
@Lexiao 谢谢反馈
@hua 谢谢你分享的资源(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
@Lexiao 难道必须把这个字体合并进mdd才行?因为我现在用的第四版是没有任何问题的。
@取进止 分享一下链接可以吗?上面的已经失效了
@james 你好,链接已经更新!
@Lexiao 深蓝词典可以支持ttf文件,但是音标仍然有问题,不知道是为什么。
this is amazing… can you please upload “Cambridge English Dictionary Online” mdx/mdd?
@nhb007 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/114iuJhhNpfeN8AtSo5uaSA
@取进止 thank you very much dear…
@取进止 is it just mdx and mdd files? or there are *.js and *.css files needed?
I’m confused…
@nhb007 nothing else needed
@取进止 the dictionary appears to be plain text, no formatting there… :( waste of 974MB :(
@nhb007 there are so many different adaptations of it i cannot find the appropriate css and js
@nhb007 you can try 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1SBeIfZDPzzWIDycIWd5M-g
@取进止 can you please upload the mdd file on Google Drive from the Device you’re using the dictionary…? I think the mdd file is corrupt on Baidu Cloud… :(
@nhb007 Hold on a while
@hua I’m waiting… If possible, please upload the whole package needed…
@nhb007 https://ziyuan.freemdict.com/%E8%AF%8D%E5%85%B8/100G%E8%B6%85%E5%A4%A7%E8%AF%8D%E5%BA%93/Cambridge%20English%20Dictionary%20Online.zip
@hua thank you very much… this version is good, the interface is nice, but tabs “English”, “American” “Business” etc. are not working on MDict (Android and PC)
@nhb007 Actually , I also found this problem, if I found a better version, I will update here
@hua OK, Thank you…
@hua 站长,你好,请问能否再分享下Cambridge English Dictionary Online,万分感谢。
@imfcia 多谢站长分享,已经在本站的资源库里面找到了,就是该词典还存在english,american,business等点击以后无法跳转的小瑕疵。
@nhb007 did you find any solution dear?
Tks a lot. :)
@匿名 你没看到这个文章里面的链接嘛。。。。
@匿名 冇
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1AHbSCEaEVF4OA5PIetzsgg 提取码: 3iqm