│ ├─M-W Collegiate dictionary and thesaurus By Amazon 20160523
│ ├─Merriam-Webster’s Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary By Amazon
│ ├─Merriam-Webster’s Super Deluxe Bundle 2015, 16-4-28
│ └─Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage
│ ├─CALD 4th
│ ├─Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 3rd v1.5
│ ├─Cambridge Idioms Dictionary
│ └─cambridge international dictionary of idioms(修订版)
│ ├─Collins COBUILD Advanced British English Learners Dictionary, 16-4-20
│ ├─Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictinary 8th, 16-4-20
│ ├─Collins English Dictionary and Thesaurus By Amazon 20160523
│ └─collins usage
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│ ├─Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners 2nd Edition(mp3-Amazon160120)
│ ├─[英-英] Macmillan Dictionary of Conceptual Metaphors
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├─American Dictionary
│ ├─New Oxford American Dictionary 3rd, 15-6-15
│ ├─Oxford Advanced American Dictionary for learners of English 2011, 16-2-1
│ └─Oxford Basic American Dictionary for learners of English 2011, 15-11-21
├─Concise Oxford English Dictionary 11th, 14-4-15
├─OALD8C V1.9 By Amazon 20160318
├─oALD9 by Amazon
│ ├─无语音版本
│ └─语音版本(光盘音质版)
├─Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 9th, By Amazon, 2016.9.27
├─Oxford Advanced Learner’s En-Ch Dictionary
├─Oxford Collocations Dictionary, 15-10-15
├─Oxford Dictionary of English 3rd,2016, 16-6-6
├─Oxford English Dictionary 2nd v4, 14-10-9
├─Shorter Oxford English Dictionary 6th, 15-10-16
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用户名密码均为 freemdict
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1MbKIRug5EgxvQXFZmGfM9w 提取码: cr43
thx for sharing
@Ares 感谢分享,太棒了
Thanks for your effort…….Can you please provide them in any easily downloadable Filehoster link or GoogleDrive
@Bharath I am working on that.
@hua One suggestion Bro, Cloud Sites like https://mega.nz/ will be really helpful and It will provide you with 50GB Upload for your files with never deletion. I can say that this site is really safe with regards to privacy with end-to-end encryption….
@Bharath BTW Bro, can you read Chinese? or just use Google translate? How do you find this site leh?
@hua Sorry Bro, I don’t understand Chinese…I use Google Translate……When I started searching for Mdict Dictionaries I came through your site with the help of Google. I am really amazed when I saw your site. Yours upload quality is awesome and trust-worthy…..Thank you for your help to ESL Learner’s particularly
@Bharath OK Bro. I am uploading dictionaries which are introduced in this post. Just wait a while.
@Bharath Done! Files are uploaded.
@hua You are awesome man…. Thanks for that huge collection
@Bharath You are welcome.
Hello Hua, In OALD9 by Amazon, both Voiceless Version (无语音版本) and Voice Version (语音版本(光盘音质版) have same files i.e. Audio Pronunciations are Missing in your Voice Version of OALD9 by Amazon Dictionary (under your Server’s File Directory – “Index of /Collections/_Oxford/oALD9 by Amazon/”).
Is there any way updating them?
@Bharath Let me check at my end
@hua I downloaded a copy of the OALD9 from PDAWIKI a couple of years ago. It included a 2.39 mdd file, which, given its colossal size, must contain the sound files for the example sentences. However, only the sound files for the headwords work. I haven’t been to PDAWIKI all this while and have lost my account and thus can’t get there to ask for advice. Are there any new mdx, css or js files which can utilize the said mdd files? Many thanks in advance.
@匿名 Let me check
@匿名 Sorry I do not think there is an edition of OALD9 with sentence sound. Maybe you can consider Longman5++
good job,guys
good, i ‘d like to share something the other day.
Best page I’ve ever found for dictionaries since I couldn’t login mdxwiki! Thank you soooooo much, esp. for CALD and Oxford Learner’s Thesaurus, which I am now looking for!!!
P.s. I think I could be helpful if you want to get these materials uploaded to Google drive or MEGA, etc. ;)
@Hel Leen I am pleased if you can do us a favor to upload to Google drive or Mega. And thanks for support! Hope more people will know this site!
thank you !
Great work!
Download is pretty easy, just one click!
Great Work。i love collection
I really cannot download the css file. The download page is rather frustrated to use. Hơ can I get the css files?
@trang hello man, what do you mean by frustrated to use? cannot open it?
@hua When I click on the CSS file it will be opened online instead of being downloaded. Mdd and Mdx are ok because they will be downloaded upon click.
@trang you just right click it, and select save as
Oald9. voices are not working properly. for some worlds they work for some the do not.
sometimes both voice icons ( british and Amer) pronounce the same. Sometimes on of them work.
Please check.
I on’t have this issue with oald8.
@needer After redownloading it’s resolved. thanks!
@needer Still there is a problem with cald4 voices. mdd file is not recognized by dictionary. same problem existed with cald3 too.
Do I need to download all the elements that under the same file?
For example, I want to download the New Oxford American Dictionary, and there are NOAD 1.mdx, NOAD 2.mdx, and NOAD 3.mdx. Do I need all of them?
@tree Yes you need
@匿名 用本地下载
汗,我以为那个「本地下载」是纯文本, 太不明显了。还是继续感谢分享!
@匿名 感谢词典作者去吧 我只是收集者
hi. i have downloaded OALD8C V1.9 By Amazon 20160318. it contains OALD8C.mdd,mdx and css files. i have no idea how to install this program. Please help me, how can i install it on windows 7?
how to install OALD8C V1.9 By Amazon 20160318 on windows 7? please help
I have downloaded OALD8C V1.9 By Amazon 20160318.It contains 4 files:mdd, mdx css and png files. i have no idea how to install OALD8C on windows 7. Please help me! How can i install it?
This is the most valuable website I’ve visited this year! 楼主好人一生平安~去了原网站,看帖子都要积分的,好不容易注册了,也是寸步难行,积分95的小白太惨了
Merriam-Webster’s Elementary Dictionary?
Love you
I am so grateful for your selfulessly
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